Richmond Marathon

RACE: Richmond Marathon
DATE: Saturday, November 12th 2022
DISTANCE: 26.2 Miles
LOCATION: Richmond, VA
WEATHER: Mid 60s - High 70s

Grateful to have crossed the finish line. It was an unusually hot day for November. The only Richmond Marathon that I didn’t bring throw away clothing. The temperature was around the 70s when we started, and got warmer throughout the course of the run. Early on, I tucked away any goals I had for this race and saved it for another day. My only goal was to cross the Finish line, standing. I ran by feel, reminded by what coach Cass and coach Mel said about the body not knowing pace, but only recognizes stress. I concentrated on my hydration and fueling, stopped at every fluid station when I can. There were a couple of fluid stations that ran out of water. I panicked inside a little, and prayed that the next station will still have what we needed. It was the first time that this race ran out of water, as far as I can remember. It was a tough day. A friend told me that there were a few DNFs, and runners who passed out. Even though the day didn’t present itself as the ideal fall race, it was still a great day. The organizers and the coaches of our local training teams, were all out there on the course, cheering and lifting up the spirits of the runners. Some residents in the community, turned on their sprinklers to help cool us down. Richmond Marathon will always be special to me. It was the local race that inspired me to give distance running a try. - Ma Bella


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